Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A True Artist, Indeed.

Two toddlers were drawing with sidewalk chalk today at the park.
They had to have been about 2 years old. Not much older. Maybe 2 1/2.
Me and Cub were watching.

One of the little boy's nannies suggested the boy draw Cub a picture. She actually said a "smiley face" but he decided to draw a snake instead. A very abstract snake.

Shortly after, it was time for the snake drawer to go. His nanny took his hand and tried to lead him away. But before they could take one step, the other little boy started drawing over the abstract snake.

The snake boy started panicking. He grabbed at his hair, in serious distress and shouted,
"That's my art! My art! Don't touch my art!"

The nanny kindly but firmly tried to pull the little boy away but he continued,

"That's my art! My art!"

He was truly devastated.

It was absolutely hilarious. The boy didn't say, "Don't draw on my snake." Or "That's my snake!" Or anything else an average 2 year old might say. But this boy was truly concerned about his art.

We were flattered since Cub had commissioned that snake drawing. Perhaps in the years to come we'll commission more of his abstract art.


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