Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Yesterday I took Cub to the doctor for his 18 month check-up. It's amazing how smart these little guys are now. They know there's something fishy at the doctor's office. The bright, sterile white walls and fluorescent lights must be a dead giveaway.

So in Cub struts. Still in pajamas. Looking around. Carefully, surveying the area. Making sure there aren't any casualties or POW's laying around. Then proceeds over to the dirty, germ-invested doctors' office toys, poking, lifting, and smelling. Daring to even put one of those detestable toys into his mouth!

Thankfully, our doctor was on time for once and I was able to scoop him away before he rolled in God knows what.

Once inside the exam room, Cub started fussing. Nervously pacing the room. Unsettled. Waiting for doom to hit. Even the nurse's harmless task of measuring his length became an all out wrestling match -- blood, sweat and tears.

But by the time the doctor came in he perked up a little at seeing her Elmo stethoscope. With a quiet, almost surrendered, "Elmo" recognition whisper. But soon the tears and rebellion followed, as the doctor began her exam.

The best moment of all was when she held up that little eye device with the small light in it to check his pupils and he responded, through tears, clenched teeth and fear, "Cheese!"

Only the children of our camera-obsessed generation would have such a response! Hilarious.


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