Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Milk Man

He's leaving me. There's nothing I can do about it. I cannot beg him to stay. I cannot grab onto his ankles and try to keep him. He's going.

I can't plead with him. Can't tell him all the things I did wrong. How I took him for granted. How I should have been more welcoming. How we could've worked it out for longer.

He was good to me. Came right on time. Never failed me. He gave a lot. Sometimes too much, and I couldn't take it.

He is good to my kid too. Cub loves him. How am I going to break this sad news to Cub? They bonded. Cub looks forward to him. Cub smiles after seeing him. Cub needs him.

I'm sure there are a few more last minute tricks I can do to get him to stay longer. But I know the day is coming soon that he will be gone. What a sad day that will be.

My milk is drying up, yall!! Sniff, sniff...


DB's Mama said...

It WILL take some work, but there are some things you can do to entice the Milk Man to keep delivering....if you want him to. First, every time you feed Cub, you can simultaneously pump your other breast until it is empty and if Cub doesn't empty the one he's "workin" on, finish off with a few minutes of pumping as well. It's all about continuously emptying the milk the Milk Man knows to keep the deliveries coming! :) Oh and Whole Foods sells some supplements that supposedly work as well. Good Luck!

One Urban Mom said...

Try the supplements, if they don't work, don't pathologize yourself over it. Nursing was a struggle for me . . . he lost more than 10% of his weight, I have 2 flat nipples that never popped out as the lactation specialists assured me they would, OLG started getting teeth at 5 months, I went back to work when he was 4 months old, and I never pumped more than 2 ounces at a time no matter how long or how often I did it. I know what the specialists would say . . . but managing to nurse through OLGs 8th month was really a miracle. Sometimes I miss it, but since I tried so hard, I don't feel bad about stopping when we did, I don't think I should, and I don't think any other mom should feel bad about stopping when she feels her body unable to give more.

One final thought, I tried to keep it light, I waited until OLG cried after each nursing session because he was still hungry to stop. I think I waited too long.

I hope the Milk Man keeps coming. If he doesn't, write him a thank you note and move on.


Ali Hinds said...

haha! thanks, oneurbanmom. love the thank you note!

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