Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sniff Taste Crawl

Sniff, Taste and Crawl. That's what we do now as mommies with babies.

I just got back from the park with Cub. He fell asleep on the way home. Which is a delicate scenario if I want him to continue his nap. Do I let him stay in his car seat? Do I carefully try to remove him and then quickly put him in his crib? It's always a toss up. I used to be able to do a total martial arts move. I'd quickly unlatch him from the car seat, twirl him around in one swoop, then slam him down (lightly of course) into his crib while sliding his snuggy over to him simultaneously all in 15 seconds or less. Pretty impressive. Oh and without him ever seeing me! I suppose it was a martial arts magician move of sorts. But then he caught on and would immediately open his eyes and make eye contact with me, daring me to put him down. I'd then be stuck taking him on a late afternoon walk for forever until he fell back asleep. Unless I felt up to letting him cry for centuries, which isn't always a guarantee he'll fall asleep if it's a nap and turns me into a nervous wreck.

But now, I've learned I can take him out of the car seat delicately and quickly bounce him on my shoulder putting him back to sleep, then gently lay him down in the crib while simultaneously sliding snuggy into his arms and then -- DUCK! Yes, duck down so he won't open his eyes again and catch me in the act. It's very crafty. Then I sit on the floor for a few minutes waiting to make sure he's asleep asleep. Then CRAWL across the floor like a jaguar creeping up on his prey until I'm out of the room. Exhale.

A fellow blogger, Another LA Mom Blog, wrote about her crawl of shame a few weeks back. Pretty funny. I guess it's pretty common. Check her story out here.

Today while I was squatted down waiting for him to be asleep asleep. I felt something wet on the floor. Just a small little droplet. The room was dark so I couldn't see what it looked like so I dabbed my finger in and smelled it. Smelled like spit up. Hmm, did that just happen when I did my bounce bounce slam move? Or was it from this morning? And as I sat there investigating, I thought to myself, Wow, I'll really touch anything now and smell it or taste it. Welcome to Motherhood.

Another example: Cub had someone's bubble wand today at the park. The mommy said it looked like he could be swallowing some of the old soap in the wand because his mouth looked sudsy. So what did I do? I swiped the drool off of his chin and tasted it! Nah, didn't taste like bubbles. Proceed. Another wow mommy moment.

What are you guys doing out there that warrants a wow mommy moment? Maybe we should call them WMMs. I like that. Holla back!


Another LA Mom said...

Thanks for the mention. Sorry to hear you're doing the crawl too, but at least you know you're in good company!

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