Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Friday, August 14, 2009

That Kid

Everybody knows that kid.

That Kid is the kid that's acting a fool, out of control, showing out, throwing tantrums and just being that kid.

I saw a that kid last week. We were at a function and this kid was a true wild child. Breaking things, all up into everything, making a complete mess and spiraling out of control. But the interesting part about it was that the kid's parents were enjoying their time, socializing, having cocktails, etc. (I guess one might need a cocktail or two if they have that kid.) But every time that kid did something crazy, the parents kind of glanced over, smirked, and then went about their business. Or poo pooed it like it was cute.

So my question is, do you know when you have that kid? I'm assuming you'd have to. But some parents act as if they're truly blind to this. And everybody knows they have that kid but them.

I was with a girlfriend the other day and her little baby was being that baby. Just a fussy-poo. And she recognized it. She even asked her little baby, "are you going to be that bratty kid today in the park?" We laughed it off. But at least she tried to do something to calm the poor child.

I've seen many parents just let that kid melt down right there in the grocery store, mall, bank and many other public places. I'm not talking about the occasional sleep deprived melt down. I'm talking about that kid. You know what I mean!

So please someone tell me if I ever have that kid and try to front like I don't. Because I definitely don't want to be that parent!


DB's Mama said...

I pray to God that I never have THAT kid and even worse, if I did, that I wasn't aware of it. THOSE kids drive me absolutely nuts! I think I'll be ok though because my parents (nor did my husband's) NEVER put up with that kind of behavior from us. My parents even perfected "the look". You know the one. You could be in a noisy, room full of people and still "the look" could be felt from a mile away. Deadly! Potent! I gotta get that down.

On another note, we have some friends who do have THAT KID. He is a monster. Everywhere, in everything, destructive, loud....just how you described and his parents attribute it to him "being a boy". Ummmm, no. Granted, little boys are generally rougher and more rambunctuous than little girls, but that's no excuse for a plain lack of discipline. The sad part is, that among our group, it has actually driven people away. Even we are guilty of it. We prefer to go their home when we have the energy to deal with it because otherwise it requires us to do a lot prep for them to be at our house. I feel bad, but geez give me break!

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