Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Every mom should drink coffee. It's essential. Mandatory. You should not be able to pass as a mom unless you drink a cup of Joe. At least one a day. Now I have a friend who's allergic to caffeine so I guess she's an exception. But if you aren't allergic to caffeine then there's no good reason you should not drink coffee. I don't care if you're trying to keep your teeth white. Drink through a straw or get them bleached. I don't care if you don't like the taste, add some sugar, mix it up, whatever. Not drinking coffee is like taking a college course without the main textbook. You will not pass. In fact you will fail, miserably. And it's the only legal drug us mommies can partake of and still be considered sane -- most of the time.

On the flip side, I know all the politics over coffee. How third world plantation workers are being over-worked, under paid and taken advantage of on coffee/cocoa fields. How one cup of coffee/espresso actually requires a ridiculous amount of beans that someone busted their behind to pick for us. But it's COFFEE. We can't help it. Blame the corporations ("The Best Part of Waking Up, Is A Folgers In Your Cup!")! We turn a deaf ear to the coffee plantation stories just to get one drip of the aromatic bliss. I'm sure right now as I type (and drink a luke warm cup of Joe from a Styrofoam cup!!) someone is probably doubled-over, dripping sweat and maybe even shedding a tear while finding me the perfect bean. And I feel for them! Really I do. But in all seriousness, it is really unfortunate what goes on behind the scenes in the coffee industry just so another Starbucks can go up in Timbuktu. And perhaps us moms should rally up to do something about it. But first, let's discuss our strategy, put our brains together, really take this issue seriously -- over a cup of coffee, shall we?


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