Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Over Thanksgiving weekend I came down with the most terrible stomach thing. Not sure if it was food poisoning (my body's revenge for being a glutton) or a nasty stomach flu. Whatever the case, I was doubled over in pain, crying my eyes out and reminiscent of labor pains almost a year ago! My family was quick to suspect that I could be pregnant again since I was also running to the bathroom constantly to give back all the lovely food I had partaken of. That or had H1N1, Bird Flu, or any other heinous illness.

I ruled out the preggers possibility by asking my single sister, who's never had to buy a pregnancy test in her life, make a drug store run. She hesitated at first. Then admitted to being embarrassed. It was cute. Almost like she was in middle school and I was asking her to go buy some maxi pads. Or her first condoms purchase. But she went anyway for the love of her little sis. Wonder what her face looked like as she put the pregnancy test down on the counter. Did she make eye contact with the cashier? Try to throw in gum or water or something else to distract from it? I'm sure in her mind she was paranoid that she didn't have a wedding ring on and that the cashier would assume she was some irresponsible single person making a secret pregnancy test run in her pajamas. Hilarious.

Later that night the pains got worse. I really started to believe that I was about to give birth to a 10 pound baby. Maybe the test was wrong and I really did have a big huge baby stuck inside my belly, hiding along side my size 1 waist? Maybe I would end up on that TV show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant!

Finally, when I couldn't take it anymore, I asked my husband if he could take me to the ER. I was giving birth... to something. So he did. And my sister came too, the loyal sis that she is. Naturally, when I got there the pains began to subside. But as we pulled in front of the ER and checked in, I began to have de ja vu. The last time I had been to ER was for Cub's arrival. As we sat in the ER triage room, amidst my discomfort, I felt a warm feeling of happiness come over me. Everything started coming back to me. The drive to the hospital, the wheelchair taking me up to the labor area, the smell of the hospital, the anticipation... and at that moment I felt like the luckiest woman alive. To be able to conjure up that memory. To have lived and experienced giving birth.

After our Ken Doctor (that's what we called him because he seriously looked like a Barbie doctor) couldn't find a reason to keep me there, and my husband was barely able to continue standing he was so tired (it was now about 1 AM), we were released.

While the stomach thing was the worst I've experienced in my 30-odd years of life, I am so grateful that I was able to experience that little moment of remembering... the day my first-born was brought into our lives. That made it all worth it... kind of.


DB's Mama said...

Sorry to have been MIA lately! Work, holidays and life have gotten in the way of my blogging life! Few comments:

I love it when I can conjure up the emotions of a memory past. Music does that to me a lot. I just close my eyes and go there! Our brain is an amazing, incredible, powerful organ!

It seems everything that requires little to no effort trumps sex these days. LOL!!! Sometimes during the day I'll say to myself "Tonight I WILL make the effort" and somehow I manage to forget until right before my little eyes are shrouded over my heavy lids.

Free time. Yesterday I had to go to the dentist, which meant leaving work early. I actually looked forward to the hour or so at the dentist's office reading mags and even getting worked on in the chair. Funny how being a mom and wife changes the meaning of "free time"!

The poo in the toilet story was HILARIOUS!!!

Ali Hinds said...

DB's mama I missed you!!! Aren't you preggers? When are you due? I was just thinking about you!!

DB's Mama said...

Yep due in a couple of months! Looking forward to the cute little baby....NOT looking forward to double the work! Yikes!

See where sex get you?!?!??! Take a nap instead! LOL! :)

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