Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Marble Poop

The other morning. 4 AM in the morning, that is. I went into Cub's room to change his diaper. When I got into the room, it smelled a little "poopy" but after I lifted him from the crib and did the sniff test, I passed it off as gas (pun intended).

So, it's 4 AM and dark. I don't turn on the light because he's still half-asleep and I'm changing him. The diaper by this time is heavily saturated and probably weighing half of his weight. I take it off of him, look inside and nope, no poo. Definitely was gas.

Then I snapped on a fresh diaper and started putting his little feet back into his pj's. You know the ones with the feet. Love those! Why can't we wear them as adults?! Anyway, as I push his little feet into the pj's and start to zip him up, I feel them. THEM. Little rabbit poops. A whole handful of them sliding behind his back and down into the feet, all across the changing pad. I have to lift one up to do a real sniff check and make sure it is what I'm thinking it is -- hey, it's dark, I said!!

And yep. It's poo. Tons of little marble poos. That slipped right out of the diaper in the dark. So there I sat, marble poops in hand, a now sleeping baby, freshly changed -- or so I thought. And what do I do?

Dump the "shit" in the genie -- with my hands (okay, I really used a wipe) -- and put the babe back in his crib. I'll do a thorough wipe down when he wakes up!

Don't judge me. And yes, I did wash my hands after that. I think. Heck, I can't remember, it was 4 AM!


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