Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sharing My Childhood

There's nothing like the smell of the great northwest during summertime.

Or the feel of the northwest sun. It's different. Dry and inviting. Hot but not threatening. Bright but not overpowering. The northwest sun is a tree-hugger. A hippie. Friendly.

Cub and I are visiting my parents in Portland, Oregon, for a week. I've been looking forward to this trip for months but didn't expect to enjoy it this much. There's something so special about sharing a piece of your childhood with your own child. We've visited quite a few places I used to frequent as a kid growing up in Portland. The Portland Children's Museum, Washington Park, Downtown Portland, to name a few.

This morning I took Cub to the campus of my old elementary school, Catlin Gabel. I expected it to look significantly different and even much smaller. But for the most part, it looked the same as my seven year old eyes. And the old, cherished, evergreen populated campus still looked big and wild. A sight straight out of "Where The Wild Things Are"!

As we navigated through the campus, I tried to remember running through the bark dust as a kid and playing on those soccer fields. A few distinct memories came to mind but moreso the actual "feeling" of being there as a kid. The "experience" of learning and exploring on those very grounds. Then to watch my firstborn toddle through those same trees picking up Oregon pinecones, acorns and sticks of all shapes and sizes, I couldn't help but to tear up.

After we left Catlin, I drove over to a park not far from my parents' home. This park had a little trail with a creek that lead to an open field and a pond with ducks. We see a lot of ducks in LA so I wasn't as thrilled about that part, although the pond was beautiful. But the trail leading up to the pond was simply the best part for me.

On this little shadowy trail, where the sun peaked through the trees, splashing little sun puddles across the dank ground, where spiders hide and water bugs ski, I smelled it -- my childhood. It was so potent. Full. And palpable. If there were a way to bottle it up, I'd pay whatever the price just to hold onto that smell. At one point I did actually stop and close my eyes, trying to memorize every detail for future recall.

As we drove back to my parents' home for naptime, I couldn't help but smile over and over again. This trip has surpassed all of my great expectations -- watching my son splash around in my parent's backyard in one of those old plastic pools, smother his cousins (my sister's kids) with love and light up every morning at the sight of his grandparents still in their pajamas, and many more Mastercard "priceless" moments.

Part of me has even felt sad we have to leave in the next day or so. To take Cub away from all of this natural beauty seems cruel and unfair. But then I remember the rain. And yes it will come. One day in the near future. And all of this natural, sun-kissed Oregon beauty will be hidden in a gray blanket of mist and fog! Then I will smile on LA...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Update to the "Mommy" Post

So I wrote a few weeks ago about Cub calling me "mommy", a progression from his baby babble "ma-ma". Shortly after that, Cub began saying "mommys". I couldn't figure out where he got the plural from? And he was using it so desperately -- "mommysssssssssss!"

Then it occurred to me, I'm with him everyday and constantly talking at and narrating everything to him -- "Mommy's getting your milk..." "Mommy's cleaning up..." And so forth. Ah ha! How brilliant! Why wouldn't he think "mommys" my name?

But even more recently I've been called, Ali. My actual name. It started with me driving one day. We had just left someone and about five minutes into the drive I hear this, "Ali!" I almost crashed. Did he just say what I thought he said? And then he continued, "Ali! Ali! Ali". Hilarious.

So then the other day, he heard my husband say, "Babe? Ali?" While trying to get my attention. Then of course seconds later we hear, "Babe. Ali." From our little parrot.

Hopefully he'll never hear anyone call me anything ugly!


I've really been enjoying Mr. Cub lately. He's saying so many words and repeating everything! Yikes and Hooray!

We always pray before bedtime and at meal times and also attend church regularly. So naturally, Cub has picked up on praying. He proudly asks us to pray throughout the day and reminds us when we don't! Ironically, his timing is impeccable and usually just when WE need it!

Today, he laid his little hands on me and babbled this hilarious prayer and then ended with a big, pronounced Amen! I was so tickled. Then amazed. This little toddler was imitating what he's seen but also with such sincere intention. And if the Bible says God can use anything to bring him glory or minister to us, whose to say that babbled prayer didn't have true meaning? My little prayer warrior!