Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Update to the "Mommy" Post

So I wrote a few weeks ago about Cub calling me "mommy", a progression from his baby babble "ma-ma". Shortly after that, Cub began saying "mommys". I couldn't figure out where he got the plural from? And he was using it so desperately -- "mommysssssssssss!"

Then it occurred to me, I'm with him everyday and constantly talking at and narrating everything to him -- "Mommy's getting your milk..." "Mommy's cleaning up..." And so forth. Ah ha! How brilliant! Why wouldn't he think "mommys" my name?

But even more recently I've been called, Ali. My actual name. It started with me driving one day. We had just left someone and about five minutes into the drive I hear this, "Ali!" I almost crashed. Did he just say what I thought he said? And then he continued, "Ali! Ali! Ali". Hilarious.

So then the other day, he heard my husband say, "Babe? Ali?" While trying to get my attention. Then of course seconds later we hear, "Babe. Ali." From our little parrot.

Hopefully he'll never hear anyone call me anything ugly!


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