Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I've really been enjoying Mr. Cub lately. He's saying so many words and repeating everything! Yikes and Hooray!

We always pray before bedtime and at meal times and also attend church regularly. So naturally, Cub has picked up on praying. He proudly asks us to pray throughout the day and reminds us when we don't! Ironically, his timing is impeccable and usually just when WE need it!

Today, he laid his little hands on me and babbled this hilarious prayer and then ended with a big, pronounced Amen! I was so tickled. Then amazed. This little toddler was imitating what he's seen but also with such sincere intention. And if the Bible says God can use anything to bring him glory or minister to us, whose to say that babbled prayer didn't have true meaning? My little prayer warrior!


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