Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stuck In the Car Seat

Ever been stuck in the car seat?

I'm not talking about you being physically stuck in a real car seat or your baby. But I'm sure that would make for a very interesting story. Do tell!

I'm talking about the "proverbial" car seat of life.

When you're the baby and God is the mama driver.

Cub goes through different moments of car seat rebellion. Sometimes he's just fine with getting in the car seat, sometimes there's a big protest. We used to sing him a car seat song we made up, it goes like this:

Adventure chair,
Adventure chair
We go everywhere in the adventure chair
Adventure chair,
Adventure chair
Every---Where... (big long note) in the adventure chair!!!

That used to do the trick. Nowadays he's much too smart to fall for the song. But he'll acquiesce if he must. Perhaps I need to make up one for myself when I'm stuck back there.

We're stuck in the car seat when we're on a ride or journey in life and have no idea where God's taking us. Or we may know the destination, but aren't sure when we'll get there, how long it will take, if there will be traffic along the way, or God forbid an accident.

Like a baby stuck in a car seat, we feel confined! The straps are too tight. We're just subjected to wherever the driver's taking us. And sometimes it gets boring stuck in that chair! Sometimes it's uncomfortable! God may toss us a few toys to distract or sustain us during the ride or maybe even humor us with a little song, but there are moments where we don't want that dumb toy or song! We want to get out!

We may cry, kick our feet into the back seat, fuss and fight, but guess what? There's no getting out until we've arrived at the destination and until He comes to the back and unstaps us.

But guess what's even better? (I'm speaking this to myself as I share it with you guys) Just like Cub being frustrated with me about being stuck in the car seat, he's usually 99% of the time very happy when he finds out where we've arrived. It's almost always somewhere far better than where he was at before he got into the car seat.

I was thinking about how many times I've had to bear with Cub crying in the back seat because he didn't want to be in the car seat. Usually it's when he's tired and cranky. But sometimes because he's just discontent. During these times I try to softly talk to him and tell him how much happier he'll be once we get to the destination. He doesn't usually understand this. Nevertheless, I have to calmly take a deep breath and continue to drive, knowing that I know what's best in this moment.

Just like God. I don't know how many times I've cried out and made a big fuss while He's driving. It must be so exhausting to listen to, but He's so patient with me. He continues to drive, loving me through my tantrum, knowing that once I get there I'll be so much happier. Even if I don't understand it along the way.


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