Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Spacing Out

My loyal readers out there may be noticing that the frequency of my postings are becoming further and further apart. This is not deliberate. Although I did start out of the gate certain that I would maintain at least a daily, if not a couple of times a week, posting schedule. Then reality hit! Ha!

But I do promise you, within my control, I will post at least once a week!

Today's post is about spacing out. Yes! Don't you love that? Who doesn't love just spacing out?
Kids do it all the time. Ever notice a baby or a toddler just zone out? Then you call their name or say something and this little funny smile creeps up on their face, eyes still somewhere far away, until they blink and boom their back to the present.

Us adults used to space out and day dream all the time. Until technology robbed it from us. Now whenever we have moments to space out, we instead go to our iphones, blackberries, laptops or any other gadgets to play around with. But we must reserve time for spacing out!! Or rather, PRESERVE space out time. It's very important.

I hear moms all the time talk about how they don't have any "me" time anymore. Between juggling multiple toddlers, babies, schedules, cooking, cleaning, and every other mommy demand, their personal time is virtually non-existent. So the roaming question is always, how do I create more me time?

Most of us think that "me" time requires going out to get a pedicure, massage or some other form of pampering. And don't get me wrong, I am the queen of pampering! I need a massage like babies need milk. The only problem is, I can't always get one. At least not as often as I'd like to. So where do we dig up this mommy time? Between drop-offs, soccer games, changing diapers, etc etc?

I was talking with a few of my girlfriends the other day about prayer. How prayer has become such a struggle for me. I used to hop out of bed and start my day out with it. But now it's like pulling teething. We all complained that there's just no time for prayer anymore. I'm sure God had a good laugh at that one! Then I remembered all the times I had to get up in the middle of the night to nurse or rock Cub back to sleep. All the moments when I was in a dark room with him asleep in my arms with nothing to do -- except pray. But did I do it? Not, usually. I did do some quality spacing out though. It can actually be quite funny to take in all the random thoughts and images that cross your mind while zoning out. You might come across a high school classmate you haven't thought about or seen since 10th grade!

As my girlfriends and I continued to talk, we all realized there are mini-me moments that we could be taking more advantage of. But instead we find ourselves cramming in little odds and ends of things that don't "have to" be done in that moment. Some of the best mini-me moments are at a red light. When you're stuck waiting and instead of getting on your cell phone or changing the radio station you can just zone out. Tune the world out. And be. You'd be surprised how refreshing 15 seconds of spacing out can be. It's powerful!

So yes, our lives as moms are demanding. And yes, it's very difficult to find me time, but no, it's not impossible. We just need to be more creative and perhaps redefine what "me time" really is. Spacing out has all sorts of benefits. And it's also free!! And can be done anywhere and everywhere. Go ahead, try it!!


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