Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Man Poop!

We hit a few different milestones today...

The most important one was when I discovered a small little bulging tooth pushing through my Cub's bottom gum! It took me by complete surprise! Just last week we were at his 6 month check-up and the doctor said she saw no signs of any teeth popping up and it probably would happen more around the 7 month mark. So while changing his diaper today and catching a quick glimpse of a pearly white, I couldn't help but tear up! You know you're a first time mom when every little milestone makes you teary-eyed (except for the one I'll be dishing about next ). We're quite blessed with this new addition since it hasn't seemed to cause him any mood or behavioral changes other than his usual drooling and possibly a runny nose which we thought was just a little bug coming on. Guess mommy will have to be extra careful now while nursing! Ouch!

Ok, so here's what I really set out to blog about in this post (those with weak stomachs may not want to continue reading)...

This morning I had a peak into my future. I opened up my little Cub's diaper to discover a MAN POOP! (This was a different diaper than the one during the tooth discovery.) Now I've seen all sorts of poop since Cub's been around. And as you know, mommies can get quite obsessed with poop -- it's a very "colorful" topic, if you will. We check the consistency, the color, the shape and everything else. I am definitely one to examine a poopy diaper if anything's different. I must confess, I've actually asked my husband to save a dirty diaper if I'm not around if there's something a little different about it. Gross, I know. But it's true.

So back to this morning, Cubby has been eating solids for a few weeks now. Naturally the poop changes whenever introduced to a new substance, be it formula or solids. I watched it change first when we started supplementing formula. That runny seedy breast-milk poop started turning into a greenish earthy clay poop. Much harder to clean up! Now that he's eating more solids, the poop is getting, uh, more solid too. This morning was a big one. Cubby's had his share of "big" mess, but this one reminded me that I have a BOY. Suddenly, I imagined what life could be like in the years to come when I'll have to share my bathroom with a full-fledged teenage boy! More air freshner, please. Have I turned you off completely? I'm just keeping it real!

I could write a book full of poop stories with Cub. But I'll spare you... all of them. There's an SNL skit called "Macgruber" -- I used to call Cubby "MacShooter" or "MacTooter" in the Macgruber tune. Does that say enough?

One of the funniest poop stories was when my sister and her girlfriends came over for a visit before going out to a party. Now all of these women are beautiful, single women. They were dressed to the nines and ready for a fun night out in the town. One of the ladies had never met Cub before. She asked to hold him and they were having a great time. Then I saw it coming. The stop and stare look. Cub gets a glazed look right before the BM. I quickly swept him off of her lap in fear of a "MacShooter" poop. He had on little shorts and I would hate for it to leak through. Once on me, Cub continued, puffing out his cheeks, face turning candy apple red, and I thought we were in the clear. Until the friend looked down at her lap and saw a nice warm, you know what! Yes, a perfect pile of mess right there on her cute outfit. She screamed! Luckily, she didn't live too far and was able to run home and change. The funny thing is, in that moment I forgot to assist her or give her anything to clean herself up, instead I hurried Cub over to his changing table and swapped diapers, leaving the poor girl sitting with a pile of poop in her lap! He definitely made a lasting impression on her that day!

Any other great poop stories out there? Call it crude, vulgar or just plain disgusting but these stories really do bring us together! And again, as the book says...


Sasha Pritchett said...

Honey, I was one of those “obsessed with poop” mommies! When Joshua was around 8 or 9 months old I was changing one of those “man poop” diapers (astonishing how a little guy could produce such a poop!) as I was examining his poop I saw something thin and white. Of course I immediately though the worst…or my god my child has worms. Thanks goodness James had just arrived home from work. I yelled for him to drop everything to come look at Joshua’s poop. I was so scared. James could not figure out that that thin white thing was in our son’s poop either. I finally just dug in! Yep, put my hands all up in it (sign of a true mommie). You will never guess what I pulled out…a Trident gum wrapper! We laughed so hard tears were rolling. Joshua just looked and us with that precious face and grinned so hard, like he knew what he’d done!

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