Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Super Size Baby

The other day I was in Target. I saw an interesting couple. Or at least what I initially perceived as a couple. A decently tall man holding hands with a very stocky "little person" woman. I didn't think much of it until I turned around and realized that stocky woman was actually a toddler! This poor little girl was so chubby it looked like it hurt for her to move, let alone breathe. I could probably swim in her clothes. I wanted to go up to the father and slap some sense into him. I truly believe that consistently overfeeding (just as underfeeding) or let's just say poorly feeding your children in general is a form of child abuse. We read so many stories in the news about kids being starved and/or malnourished in these abuse/neglect cases. But what about the people that feed their kids anything and everything?

We constantly hear about the child obesity epidemic but are these parents really doing anything about it?


DB's Mama said...

I have noticed this too. At first I was wondering if my baby was actually undernourished because I saw SOOOOOOOOOOO many big babies. I'm talking gargantuan, just how you described. But I take my baby girl to the doc regularly and she was always just fine as far as her weight went. Sometimes babies are just fat by nature. I get that. But it REALLY bothers me when I see young children who are overweight eating an ice cream sundae. WTH?? I mean really...are you kidding me?

I think nutrition for your child is an important responsibility. Admittedly, sometimes it's fun to give them a little piece of this or that, but overall we're pretty careful about what goes into her little system. Both my husband and I are products of homes where we were pretty much allowed to eat whatever we wanted growing up. So we understand the importance of developing healthy eating habits early on. Bad habits are hard to break.

Ali Hinds said...

DB's Mama, love your comments! Keep them coming!

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