Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Drop of Luck?

I came across a shocking article and video this morning. It's about an Indian baby-dropping ritual. This 700-year old ritual is performed at Baba Umer Durga, a Muslim shrine, and is believed to be practiced by both Muslims and Hindus to "ensure good health and prosperity" for the babies and their families.

Click on this link to witness the ritual. It is disturbing, but I assure you there's no "visual" harm being done to the babies in this video other than some crying.

The article comments on the lack of good health care in many rural Indian villages which encourages parents to go to irrational, superstitious extremes in the hopes of ensuring a healthy future for their children and family.

You can click here for the full story.


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