Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dirty Water

Cub loves trying to suck the water out of a dirty washcloth.

I kind of remember that taste. I think I did that when I was little too. If I remember correctly, it's kind of sweet. The soap and water mixture soaked in the cloth makes for a yummy suckable treat. Of course being the awesome, health-conscious mommy that I am, I deny him this dirty privilege and quickly try to grab it from his He-Man grip. At which point he immediately starts searching the tub for it again, determined to snatch it back. We have had all out tug-of-wars with this. He usually wins.

I was sharing this with my mother-in-law yesterday. She told me that in her country (Jamaica), there's actually a superstition that says a little dirty bath water will actually make the baby strong and healthy. She's seen women cup their hands with dirty bath water and offer it to their babies. Now make note: this is the baby's dirty bath water not someone else's! As if it makes it better, right?

So that explains Cub's He-Man grip.
Who needs milk when ya got dirty bath water?


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