Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baby Talk

For a few months now we've see them. Strolling by. Them, an elderly Chinese grandfather and his Chinese-American grandson, about a month older than Cub. Us, just me and Cub out for our daily walk.

The boy is always bundled up into a sort of tootsie roll, laying flat in one of those bassinet-type strollers. He is round and cute. The same stoic expression on his face every time we pass. The grandfather does not speak English. But he is jovial and quite demonstrative, smiling and nodding his head at us as we pass.

I look forward to seeing them. And to the little "dance" we do. Me, trying to speak slow silly English. Him, [the grandfather], not having a clue as to what I'm saying but nodding and smiling. And then we both resort to gesturing. Big happy gestures, attempting to share with one another the joy of spending this time with our little guys.

A few weeks ago I saw the baby with his parents. They are American and speak perfect English. I was glad to meet them and to actually find out more about the baby, his age, name, etc. But as nice as it was to speak English with his parents, I missed speaking with the grandfather.

Today we saw them again. Boy and Grandfather. And we danced.


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