Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

No Booty, No Service

Did you guys hear about this incident a few days ago? A mom getting kicked out of the royal palace of BURGER KING for her baby not having shoes on her feet?! The manager claimed that it was against health code. Now I'm all for keeping to health code. And I commend this manager for being a stickler especially at a fast food establishment where many throw health codes right out the window (I have found many uh, unwanted specimens in my fast food to-go orders!).

But come on! A baby? Let's get real. What could possibly be on a baby's foot? Let me think about this one... drool, dust, dirt, maybe dog or cat saliva if they own one, spit up, possibly particles of feces and/or urine -- ok, well, maybe a baby's foot could have some yuck on it, but it's still a BABY for craps sake!

Guess Cub wouldn't be nibblin' on a Whopper then, either!


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