Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

He Doesn't Smile

This evening I took Cub on a little stroll to kill some time before his bath. We walked past a nursing home. I paused in front of the facility; Maybe someone in there is lonely and a cute baby will make their day, I thought. Heck, we've got some time. Why not?

We go inside and immediately a few elderly are drawn to him. One woman in her wheelchair came over to us and was very eager to play with him. But Cub was more interested in looking around the strange place we've entered into. The woman kept trying to interact with him but Cub kept looking away, checking out the ceiling, walls and everything but her. Cub also had on his game face since it was getting close to bedtime. Not very interested in playing.

I said, "Cub, can you give the nice woman a smile?" Tickling his cheeks to get a response. He just looked away. Then the woman said acrimoniously, "No. He doesn't smile." And wheeled off.

Guess we didn't make her day. Lol.


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