Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Best Thing Ever?

I hear quite often this question from mostly my single or kid-free friends, "Is being a mom the best thing ever?" They ask with the same hopeful smile. Their voices almost hesitant, afraid of hearing otherwise. And right now, I am happy to be able to give them the answer they so desire, with a resounding, "yes!" At which point they get that dreamy look in their eyes. As if they're imagining what it will be like one day for them.

Right now my "status" on various social networking sites is, "truly the happiest time in my life."

However, I remember not so long ago being in the doctor's office waiting room when Cub was 2 months old and talking with another mom. Her kid was a little over a year and full of active personality. She smiled at us as we walked in with our little bundle. Still new and yummy. Then said, "I promise you it gets better. I remember when my guy was about that age. I kept waiting for the "best thing ever" to kick in. I was exhausted. He was definitely not the best thing ever at that stage." My husband smirked. But I felt like breaking into sobs!

Hearing her say those words lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders. Up until that point I had privately had moments where I really feared not experiencing the best thing ever -- EVER -- and being exhausted and overwhelmed for the rest of my life!

At that time I was trying so hard to get into the groove of nursing. Little Cub was feisty. He would kick and actually punch me as I tried to nurse him! Many times he'd kick right into my cesarean wound! I'd look down at this little feisty baby and think, "uh oh. I'm really in for it." But I kept silent and tried to hold my fears at bay.

Prior to Cub's arrival, my husband and I had had discussions on how some women just don't get the "mother bug" and never bond with their children. I was TERRIFIED this would happen to me! Where was the gushy, mushy mother love that was supposed to eat me up?!

Now, as I'm totally smitten with Cub, totally in love, totally head over heels, totally totally in every way -- I hardly remember those overwhelmed moments. And he truly is the BEST THING EVER!

So for all of you out there asking, "Is being a mommy the best thing ever?" I'd say, "absolutely yes, and there are moments where it might "feel" like the worst thing ever too!" But thank God those moments are just MOMENTS. And the best thing ever lasts a LIFETIME.


Unknown said...

Sigh...this just makes me smile...and tear up a little, too. It's nice having someone who's a few months ahead in this journey...reminds me that I'm not crazy (at least not in the sense this post is talking about!). And speaking of feisty, Sam actually reopened one of my incisions after I had my gall bladder taken out! Ouch!

We're just on the cusp of the fun part, and I feel that "new mom" serenity starting to wash over me... the little man and I are bonded so tightly now, I just adore him and the feelings of fear and self-doubt have all but disappeared. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to be able to leave him and go back to work in two weeks. Oh dear...

Ali Hinds said...

I hear ya, sis. You'll have fun finding creative ways to make up for the time you're at work! Thanks for sharing!

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