Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Monday, October 5, 2009

No Sex

Wow. Surprise discovery. I did the sex test to see if my readership would go up and when I checked it on google's analytics this morning, it actually went plummeting! Which is quite surprising but also a relief. I've never had a big fat goose egg for my readership until now. Yep, I had "0" readers after posting the sex tirade. I find this a sign of encouragment to stick to what I know, haha, Cub and me!

So dear readers, we will continue to share our little world and hope you continue to get something out of it!

Please do holler if you're out there. It's been so quiet lately!!

Role call?!!!


DB's Mama said...

Present! I've been reading, but I've just been busy. Keep at it.

Ali Hinds said...

Thank you so much for replying! I thought I had wondered into no man's land!

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