Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


If but for one...

We were at the Zimmerman Children's Museum yesterday. Great little place. Cub had a ball.

Being that it is a Jewish Museum, there's lots of inspiring scripture and stations that represent Judaism. A wonderful environment for learning and fun.

As we were coming down the stairs, I read one of the quotes that said (and probably familiar to most of us),
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

After reading it, I thought to myself, "That's nice." In a sort of condescending manner. Sounds good, right? Then I sort of chuckled to myself with a "But let's be real," attitude. I thought about all the scenarios where one could do an act of kindness for someone else and feel like it was a complete waste of time after that person took it for granted or was ungrateful.

Looking back, I gotta give myself a whack for having such a negative response. Because the truth is, if our hearts are in the right place, acts of kindness really are never wasted. No matter what the response from anybody else. Because just the act of extending ourselves is a blessing, even back to ourselves.

I was encouraged by one of my reader's this morning. I hope she's not embarrassed by me calling her out!

DB's Mama
, has been so encouraging to me since I started this blog. Reading her periodic comments reminds me that there are people out there. There is an audience. Now I could just be pumping up my own ego, but I'd like to think that moreso I'm encouraged because I am putting myself out there, hoping that these words, no matter how big or small, are never wasted. That they have meaning. Even if it's to put a smirk on someone's face for that day. Even if there's only one reader!

What DB's Mama also reminded me in her simple role call response was that I don't have to "see" the audience to believe that these words are landing somewhere.

How many times in life when we do acts of kindness do we really have the opportunity to "see" the results? Maybe the immediate results. But we don't usually get to see the long-term. Yet the results live on beyond our sight.

So I want to encourage all of us today to continue to do acts of kindness just because.

And don't be afraid to put yourself out there even when it feels like no one's watching or paying attention. There's always someone. Even if it's just one. But guess what? That one can make all the difference. Thanks, DB's Mama!!

Here's another encouraging scripture that keeps me going,

So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11


DB's Mama said...

If it weren't for my super duper secret code name, I might be slightly embarrassed....but thanks for the kudos!

I'm glad that I pumped you up. I've cleared a lot of stuff from my desk, so I'll be able to comment more. I MIGHT even be inspired to submit a guest post.

Keep blogging....if only for one! :)

Jessica Goodman said...

Hi, I just noticed that you had left a comment on my blog!! sorry! anyway, feel free to write me with any other questions about music or otherwise at my web e-mail address:
thanks for commenting, and God bless! JESSIE GOODMAN

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