Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Pocket Coach

Mamas, if you had your own personal "baby" coach, someone you could pull out of your back pocket in a moment of desperation to show you how it's "really" done, who would that be and how would they help you?

Understanding your baby?
Sex after a baby?
Sleep training?
Preparing to go back to work?
Finding a Nanny/Day Care?
Getting a schedule?
Feeding habits?

I don't know about you, but there have been plenty of moments where I was by myself with this little cute bundle of joy (or bundle of hysterics!), and had NO idea what to do? I've read many of the books, watched the painfully boring how-to videos, but wished I could just be a fly on the wall at someone else's home to see how they do it. Or have one of these so-called "experts" in my home during a meltdown or moment of need.

I've been a victim of the subtle bragger parent, you know the ones that drop hints about how EASY their baby is, how he's been sleeping through the night since the hospital, always smiles, never fusses, yada yada...

Now I must say, I do have a very sweet and easy baby, but he's also a NORMAL baby -- a baby with his own personality, needs and wants. A baby just like us that gets frustrated when those needs and wants are not met, who is cranky when he's tired, fussy when he's hungry.

So how do these so-called perfect parents or experts do it? Are they lying? Is it all in "theory"?

Wouldn't it be nice to see how REAL parents do it?

Let's put a pause on all of the parenting philosophies, intellectual discussions, textbook stuff, and SHOW ME how it's done! How do YOU parent in the thick of it? When you're in zombie autopilot mode? When you actually have no idea what to do?

If I could send someone over to your house right now to help you with a specific parenting or baby issue, what would it be?

Talk to me...


Four Under Two said...

Well I have to say that I consider myself straddling both sides of the fence. I have all the book knowledge and past experience of knowing what to do in most circumstances. Now that I am a mother of two infants, it doesn't always apply all the time. But in the thick of it when I don't know what to do I usually follow my instincts and then after the smoke has cleared I ask someone who already been there. I truly believe that as mothers we have been given all that we need to be able to nurture these precious children. Most of the time it is us Mothers getting in our own way. We are to timid at times and aren't confident in what we know to do. You can receive the same advice a million times but we you feel strong enough to do it thats when it really counts. It is equally as important to surround yourself with support when you don't feel so confident in your parenting. At the end of the day your children don't know any different and they will except do overs!

Ali Hinds said...

Very well put, Haveyouhurd. God has equipped us with all the tools we need, it's really up to us to have faith in what we have and to use it! And if we drop the ball, there will always be another one bouncing toward us again!

Unknown said...

Finding my confidence was definitely my biggest hurdle...before I did, I really couldn't find any joy in was too scary! Now I'm just trying to take cues from the little man...he's pretty good at all we've just got to enjoy the ride!

My biggest questions are always sleep related. When did you sleep train? What did you do? When did you stop swaddling? He's been a great sleeper since he was born...but I have to say, the idea of putting him in his crib and saying good night - as opposed to rocking and rocking and rocking, only to have him wake up the moment you put him down - well, it's really appealing!! He's only eight weeks, so I'm probably jumping the gun, but as a first time mom, I just want to do right by him! What secrets do you have to share?

Oh, and you mentioned something about "sex after baby" ... Does that happen??;)

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