Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Beauty of Memories

I took a day trip with Cub today. They were doing roof work on our building so we needed a quiet getaway. I decided to take a nice cruise up the shore to Santa Barbara. That drive really is breathtaking. Reminds me over and over again how awesome God's creations are. The breaking waves along the rocks. The rolling hills. Even the clouds were carefully placed along the picturesque scenery. He really is the ultimate designer. Would kick some serious Project Runway butt!

As I entered Santa Barbara, I saw a sign for their zoo. I never knew they even had a zoo. Since I'm a sucker for cute animals, and Cub's learning the zoo animal names, it was the perfect destination. And boy was it! These animals have it good! Normally I feel bad for zoo animals. All incarcerated and stuck in drab fake habitats. But these Santa Barbara animals had 5 star habitats!! Which is perfectly fit for Santa Barbara, being as bourgeois as it is.

At one point I caught a glimpse of the elephants from a hill with the backdrop of the Santa Barbara mountains and for a moment I actually felt like we were in a different country. I was also tickled by the Giraffe taking a stroll along a beach backdrop. Everywhere I looked, beauty. I kept trying to capture it on camera but the camera couldn't do it justice. Some things are just better left to the eye.

On my way back, I continued admiring the coastal beauty and debated whether I should try to whip out my camera or iphone with one hand and snap a shot while driving. I decided not to, not only because it would be completly irresponsible and unsafe with my sleeping Cub in the back, but also because I had to tell myself, not everything has to be captured on some form of technology. Then I thought, ooh, I can't wait to write about this on my Facebook status. Then again, I stopped myself. Just let it be! (Even though I still did end up writing about it on Facebook later this evening!) As I drove home listening to my thoughts, this simple yet profound thought came to mind: a memory is the best place to frame a picture.

I can take a thousand pictures of Cub and try to write about his every last development, but the best place for all of these pictures and stories is right at home in my memory. Yes, one day these memories will be fuzzy and blurred together and I'm sure they'll be confused and intertwined with memories of his future sibling, but who cares?! For the moment as they hold their own, carefully cataloged in my mind, they are perfect. And I can't think of a better home for them!


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