Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

WARNING: Robber On the Loose

I'm sending out this WARNING to every parent within readers reach!! There is a robber on the loose! I have not seen him but I have found his footprints and evidence all over my nursery. He is out to get every nursery and yours is not exempt. He will even try to sneak into cars and strollers too. He is notorious and dangerous. He will leave your child cranky and irritable. Or over-stimulated and hyper. He is the nap robber.

At first I thought it was teething or transition. Perhaps Cub was still adapting to his transition from three naps to two. Or maybe he's transitioning into later nap times. Then I thought he was overly tired and couldn't settle himself down to sleep. But one day, I came in to Cub's room after a very exhausting nap battle and I saw it. The evidence. Cub's eyes were red from fatigue as if someone had just snatched his sleep from him with no remorse. He had been violated. My little sweet boy was violated by the nap robber. His clothes were tattered. Blanket thrown about. And even the curtains fluttered from where he had crept in through the window.

This man is cold-hearted. He doesn't have any sympathy or compassion for tired parents. He could care less that you have things you need to get done during the once valuable nap time. He laughs and scoffs at the notion that you could actually get a moment to yourself.

I've tried bolting my windows shut and putting surveillance cameras all around Cub's nursery (I finally got a video monitor, DB's Mama!). I've even tried to blast him out with stadium concert-level white noise. So far none of it has worked. He's slick and smart. And still sneaks in undetected.

If you catch him, please let me know. I'm willing to put up a 1,000,000,000,000,000 bounty for his head!


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