Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

8 Months Going on 14

I'm raising a teenager now.

We go to the park and Cub gives me that look like, "Uh, can you give me some space? I've got friends here." Or the goofy faces that used to make him laugh now get an eye roll. Like, "Mom, stop being so dorky, gosh."

When I used to be the apple of his eye, now he flirts with sales ladies, little girls on the playground, and any and everybody else, gushing over, batting eyes, and what does Mom get? The "here, hold my bottle." Thanks.

Before long I'll be dropping him off at daycare a block away, just so the other toddlers don't see him pulling up with mommy.


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