Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Knock Me Up!

Will somebody please knock me up?!

No, seriously. Just kidding.

I've always had bad PMS. Since I was a teenager I've struggled with that fierce beast within that rears her ugly head around the same time each month. Somehow it seems to have gotten worse with age. You'd think it would have mellowed out by now. But I feel crazier the older I get. Or maybe I just am crazier?

Contrary to most women I've spoken to, I was much more even keeled during pregnancy. I was more patient, calm, peaceful and generally more pleasant to be around. While my pregnant girlfriends were driving their husbands to Timbuktu, my husband was probably admittedly enjoying me more during pregnancy! One of his buddies joked that he should just keep me knocked up. That'd be great if we lived on an Amish farm.

So here I am trapped in this loony house, waiting for the hormones to subside. Wishing I were pregnant again. Not literally. But wishing I felt as calm and peaceful as the pregnant me. Instead of this crazy, tired, emotional roller-coaster me.

And on that note, me and the beast are headed to bed. Good night, and good riddance!


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