Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Raining Cheerios!

I used to work in restaurants as a hostess. It was my teenage gig. A fun little job to meet people, make a little cash and hang out. And of course check out all the cute older boys too!

But there was one particular group of creeping, crawling individuals that I couldn't stand -- the Cheerio kids!

The little stinkers that spread and shed and mushed and gushed, and crunched and munched Cheerios all over the tables, inside the booths, and of course deep into the carpet.

It was always when the restaurant was jammed pack and I was anxiously looking for an open table for some impatient, irritable, hungry couple, that I'd stumble upon the trails left by a Cheerio kid leading me to the one table that was now open but covered in slimy Cheerio-saliva gunk. And since the bus boys were too busy, being that we were slammed, guess who had the privilege of wiping the salmagundi down? Yep, mois.

But now, I have a Cheerio kid. Gulp.

And now I will forever be associated with the secret, or rather, not so secret, Cheerio society.

This afternoon Cub and me were getting fro-yo. (Me eating a tub full of fro-yo covered in goodies I had no business eating, him eating mushed bananas from the toppings section) I brought a safety stash of the big C's in case the banana wasn't going to do it for him. As soon as he caught sight of the flimsy ziplock bag he went nuts! Thrashing and kicking and knocking everything out of the way that stood between him and his Cheerios, pushing the cute, little, devious whole grain snacks all over the freshly mopped floor.

I immediately averted my eyes from the young store clerk that just finished mopping up. I knew her eyes were probably narrowing down at us, concocting some evil scheme to ban all the Cheerio kids from the establishment forever. But there was nothing I could do.

Then there was the CRUNCH.

My official initiation into the Cheerio society. My flip-flops accidentally crunched those little boogers on the floor and I knew it was over.

Sorry, clerk.

The best I could do was clean up the mushy yuck from the table and pray she would forgive me for leaving the trail of Cheerio debris all over her nice shiny floor.


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