Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So you guys always hear about my various sleep solutions and or, er, rather blunders. Here's another one...

This morning Cub went down for a nice, deep sleep nap. It was perfect. Until the garbage truck came in all of his splendor, thrashing and crashing around right behind Cub's window. Nice. Good Morning to you, too!

Ok, no problem. We'll catch up on nap #2...

Flash-forward to this afternoon, we're out and about having a lovely day. It's about that nap time. Cub falls asleep in the car. When we get home I have to do my famous transfer to the crib. I put his snuggy blanket in my chest for him to nuzzle into. He does. All is going well until for some reason I have to adjust him and since I don't have any free hands, I use my teeth to pull the snuggy away -- only his fingers were wrapped in the snuggy!! Nice quality love bite from mommy!

Luckily it only came with one momentary half-asleep shriek, then back to sleep.



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