Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Double-Dog Dare

Remember the Double-Dog Dares?

I don't know where kids ever came up with that, but to double-dog dare someone was the ultimate challenge! (If you click on DDD above, I did find a kinda cool site that tries to speculate and dig back to the origins of it)

Everybody remembers in the movie, A Christmas Story, where a kid double-dog dares character Flick to put his tongue on the frozen flagpole. Of course Flick had to do it. He couldn't dodge a double-dog dare. He'd be a total punk! So Flick ends up stuck to the flagpole like an idiot.

I'm starting to think we need more double-dog dares in adulthood. Not trivial, petty, peer pressure. I'm talking about double-dog dares that propel us to GREATNESS!

As I've been dishing lately, I'm working to overcome a few challenges. One of them is the ultimate LOVE challenge. I've double-dog dared myself to love beyond measure. To stretch to new heights in the love arena. In every aspect of life.

Everybody knows one should never pray for patience. As soon as you do, you'll get hit with every scenario that will test your patience. Same thing happens with LOVE. Once you seek to love harder, you will immediately find loving -- much harder! Like that guy that cuts you off on the freeway, the neighbor blasting music at all hours of the night, your co-worker, family members, etc, etc...

So over the last 24 hours, I've looked my spirit self right in the eye, woman to woman, and double-dog dared her to nail this love thing.

And I'm actually quite surprised by how invigorating it's been. Like preparing for a marathon. The competitor in me is ignited. Ready to kick some double-dog dare butt! (We'll see how long that lasts when I'm stuck on the 405 right smack dab in rush hour!)

I don't like losing. And as much as I pretend to like pouting at times and, yes, whining. I am a true winner. I'm persistent. I'm motivated. I'm a double-dog darer! Like a sniffing police dog on a mission. So when I set out to conquer this challenge, I want to bring it home, baby! Even if it takes a lifetime.

Now don't be going up into your imaginations trying to figure out where I'm challenged with love or with whom, nosy Nellies! Because the love I'm talking about is,

Patient, is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. It never fails.

Now ain't that something?

What will YOU double-dog yourself to do today?


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