Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Let him splash

I've been trying to teach Cub how to splash. We were in the pool today and he splashed a few times after some persistent egging on. We got out of the pool and took a bath. He splashed once in the bath. We get out of the bath. And he spits up... major. A big ole' pool of creamsical-colored puke, remains of his squash, formula, stomach juices and God knows what else. All over my shoulder. Then... he splashes. Yep, right on my shoulder to his hearts delight. Splash splash -- spit up down my back, spit up in my hair, spit up probably in my mouth. Cub's expression: Look, mom, I'm splashing! Guess he's getting the hang of it.


Unknown said...

Hehehe!! Not a day goes by at this point when I don't get covered in spit up at least once! The splashing adds a whole new dimension, though...I love it!!

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