Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


By the way, for those of you that just read the That Lady post, I actually got up from my computer after blogging and checked the fridge again, expecting to find something new. But of course it's still empty so I opened up Cub's cabinet and seriously considered eating one of his jarred foods! How pathetic is that?! You'd think I was a third-world mother. I promise to go grocery shopping tomorrow -- for the 5th time this week!


DB's Mama said... shopping is the bain of my existence. I hate it. I loathe it. I'd rather clean the bathroom....and I HATE cleaning the bathroom.

I actually considered eating DB's food one day too....LOL!! Truly pathetic.

P.S. Avocados was one of the first things I gave DB to eat. She LOVES them still. Tasty and good for the brain. Did Cub like them?

Ali Hinds said...

Haven't tried the avocados yet but I did buy them. I'm hesitant because they used to make MY mouth tingle and itch and don't want them to have that same effect on Cub. But I'm very tempted to because I hear of all the benefits. So if I try them today, hopefully my next post won't be about Cub's Big Fat Allergic Reaction!

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