Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Evolution of Friendship

I have friends. Quite a few actually. Some are married. Some are not. Some have children. Some don't. Some are super successful in their careers. Some are super successful in their personal lives. Some are very encouraging. Some just make me laugh. Some truly inspire me. Some make me mad. But each have their own place in my life. For whichever season we're in.

A lot of times I find myself "mothering" some of my friends. The part of me that is genuinely concerned about them is real. But when I take a really good look at this habit, often times it's a little laced with judgment and even more humbling... jealousy.

I spoke with an old friend last night. She wanted to address a few of my "mothering" comments made to her last time we were together. I couldn't argue with her. She was right. I was being too nosy and judgmental about her relationships. When I took a step back to see where I was coming from, I realized, even though it had been apparent deep down, that I was envious of her freedom. She is single and very successful in her career. She has hopped on planes around the world on romantic excursions. She's a NYer!! A jet-setter. So much cooler! And yet I remember the time when she used to think the same of me.

I realized I envy her freedom not because I'm living some demure life of bondage. Quite the opposite in fact. I'm LOVING life right now. My life as a mother is new and exciting, fulfilling and enlightening! I cherish every wonderful moment I get with Cub. The new heights I'm reaching in my marriage. The creativity overflowing in me. And many other great occurrences peaking at this time in my life. So why would I be envious? Because there are parts of the old me that I'm still hoarding away. The me that could get up and go at any given moment. The me that could spend some ridiculous amount of money on a PURSE that nothing fits in. The me that could book a ticket to some exotic place just because I felt like it and could. The me that had very little responsibility and a whole lot of SELF.

I was thankful me and this old friend had the conversation we had because it forced me to do some mental housecleaning. And reflect on my friendships in general. How they've changed throughout the course of life. Like a river pouring into and out of the Caspian Sea.

They changed when I was single and running wild. They changed when I got married and started taking life and my Spirit self more seriously. They changed when I got pregnant with Cub. And they've changed with Cub's arrival. Sometimes these changes have been really hard. And other times really refreshing. But I'm so thankful my friendships continue to evolve. Whether into something far greater or when they have to take a bow and part ways.

But most of all, I'm grateful that they've changed me.


DB's Mama said...

So, so, sooooooooooooooo true! The other day I went to Tarjay for a few things we needed for the house. One hundred dollars later, I come out with the stuff I NEEDED and the stuff I DIDN'T need.....for DB! It was a shocking moment for me. I didn't even take the time to peruse the purses, sunglasses, jewelry OR even the make-up. What in tarnation?!?!??! I looked at DB in disbelief as she happily crunched on her Goldfish that I let her open in the store. She gave me a big, crumby grin. I miss the days of bags full of stuff I just WANTED, but dammit that girl is so freaking cute!!! I still miss the junk though. Ahhhhhh...

On another note, about the friendships. It's definitely weird how they change. I've often been that "mothering" friend too. I think you're right about the jealousy part (although I'm ashamed to admit it!), but I've also found that I'm much more impatient with those friends who always have "drama". I find myself wanting to say "Would you just grow up please!?!?!". I don't say it, but I'm often not available as I used to be. I was wondering to myself what the root of that was??? Too busy? Different priorities? Just irritable in general? I have to do some more soul searching. I don't want to be a bad friend, but I also have to deal with the reality of the changes life brings.

Sorry to blab. Good post.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly beautiful. Nice job.

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