Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Cub's back to crying again. And it's my fault.

I've created a suckling monster.

He was doing so well with sleep training and then I stepped in with my Super Mom cape and tried to save the day a few nights ago by nursing him to sleep.
We have now regressed, temporarily...

Not because I did this once, but because I've done it, oh, let's say a few more times too. I know, I know. But he's teething! So when he woke up crying at 11 PM the other night, which is unusual considering he's been sleeping through the night for over a month now, I was concerned. But a little too anxious to run in and offer him boob.

We also recently switched his formula and he's been trying out new solids, so there's no telling what could be going on with him. Any of the above could be keeping him up.

Technically, I believe you're not advised to reinforce sleep training while a baby's teeth are cutting through the gums or if the baby is sick, and neither are the case for him. So there was really no reason for me to run in to the rescue, other than he was crying pretty hard and I just couldn't stand to lay in bed for longer than a minute (literally one minute) and let him suffer! Yeah, I know, he's not suffering, but that's what it feels like to me!

So here we are now, day 1, 2 and 3 of the boob. It's no wonder why he's SCREAMING when I put him down in the crib and then leave -- without the boob!

A little crying is bearable. But these screams sound like "MAAAA MAAAAAAAAAA!" Which makes it even worse! Of course he hasn't officially spoken, "mama" yet. (Although he does babble off lots of "Dada's" -- go figure!) But whenever he's REALLY upset he whips out this "MAAAA MAAAAA!" Just to break me down! And it works. It's that shaky voiced, "MAAA MAAAAA". You know the one that quivers and gasps for air?! The Mom-Get-Your-Butt-In-Here-Right-Now-And-Save-Me-Or-Else-I'll-Be-Eaten-By-Green-Martians-And-You'll-Never-See-Me-Again Mama!!

The problem really is me. Ugh, humility is so over-rated!

You see, a big part of me LIKES being the boobifier. It calms him. Which calms me. Which makes me feel like a good mama. And what mommy doesn't want to be a good mama?! I also get to watch him fall asleep. Which is a rare special treat these days since he's all "grown up" now and usually falls asleep on his own. And hey, I have limited time left on this nursing clock! I want to cherish every little last moment.

But the bigger problem is, I've now confused him. Instead of being a good mama, I've become a confusing mama. He doesn't know whether he has to put himself to sleep or if mama's going to come in with the boobifier. So now he just keeps on crying... excuse me, SCREAMING, "MAAA MAAAAA!"

My husband reminded me that I can't always try to be Mommy-Fix-It. Cub has to learn to do things on his own and his confidence and comfort level will build as a result of it. Afterall, we definitely don't want a needy mama's boy.

And I get that.

But in the meantime, what am I to do with the MOMMY-GET-YOUR-BUTT-IN-HERES?! What if Green Martians really are eating him? Wouldn't a good mama go in and save him?


DB's Mama said...

Are you using The Sleep Easy Solution? We just did that with DB a few weeks back and I feel like it's a miracle!!! She's so trained now that she can really do without the whole bedtime ritual (apparently that is more for me) because as soon as I put on her PJ's that girl is practically trying to jump into her crib. Ten hours of straight sleep. I never thought I'd see the day! But now I have to sleep train myself because I keep waking up to check on her. LOL!

Anyway, I digress...back to you. I think now that you've cheated so many times you have to re-wean him from his night feedings. Which means subtracting two minutes from his feeding time every night and waking him about an hour before the times he usually wakes up to scream bloody murder. Sooooooo hard to do at 2AM but worth it in the end.

DB also got a lot of relief from Infant Motrin when her teeth were cutting...but I only gave her half the dose.

P.S. I think you should look into buying a used video monitor....that's like the third time you've mentioned it!LOL!

Ali Hinds said...

lol about video monitor!! wow, i must sound really cheap. just go out and buy the dang thing, right! by the way, we're back on track now! thank God!

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