Knack /næk/
A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something; skill; facility; dexterity.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Puff the Magic Snack-on

I've been in the FI-AH, ladies!

When it rains, it pours, right?

Remember a few postings ago I was talking about being in the "fire" when life presents situations that get HOT and force us to persevere? Well, I'm in that fire right now. The Refiner's fire. I can't wait to come out of this GOLD! Nothing life-threatening or major, just the little stressors in life that force us to our knees. Fun.

That being said, today my life was saved by Baby Einstein and Baby Puffs, you know those little dissolvable cheerio-like snacks? Cub recently discovered these treats and now he can't get enough of them. What are they hiding in those things, anyway?! They should have a WARNING on the label.

So I was feeling super overwhelmed and exhausted. Wishing moms could take a "sick" or "personal" day. Yeah right! Not because I didn't want to be with Cub. Just to take a tiny moment for myself to collect some of my thoughts and, ok, I'll say it -- pout! (There's a situation I'm dealing with right now that's extremely frustrating and unfortunately nothing seems to be moving it into a better direction, except prayer!)

Anyway, so here I am, overwhelmed, emotional, trying to keep a smile on my face for the little guy, while also trying to cling to every last bit of patience I have, and nothing seems to be satisfying him. The toys he has so much fun with are suddenly boring and stupid. All he wants is mama's attention. Which would be awesome if I didn't have -- dishes piled up to the ceiling, laundry that hasn't been done in centuries, homemade baby food needing to be jarred, not to mention business stuff to handle, and the list goes on and on. Also Cub's been a little more needy lately as he's learning to crawl. He gets easily frustrated and then just wants me to do everything for him. Of course I fall into that trap every time!

So back to Puffs...

Here I am at my wits end, trying to distract Cub with every toy imaginable then I come to it. "Give him puffs and plop him in front of a Baby Einstein video!!" Now before you start throwing rattles at me and telling me what a terrible mother I am -- that's the problem with kids today, their parents use food to manipulate them and the television to babysit them!! Yes, I know! And I agree! It is terrible. But I was desperate, ladies!! Cut me some slack!

And guess what? It worked!! Cub sat in his high chair as content as can be smashing puff snacks into his little mouth and giggling with the Baby Einstein puppets. Voila!

And mommy got to put away all the dishes, jar up the food and... breathe. Ahhh.

I promise not to make a habit out of it!


Anonymous said...

welcome to the dark side. now that you've crossed over, go ahead and figure into your schedule a little daily dose of einstein so you can plan for it to be productive, i.e., mondays laundry, tuesdays kitchen floor, wednesdays writing, etc. you'd be amazed what you can do with 30 minutes if you plan for it. btw, stay away from that one with the lion and the shapes. it sucks.

DB's Mama said...

LOL! I use the Your Baby Can Read vids so I feel like we're both doing something productive. It's the little things that keep the guilt away! The bottom line is everyone NEEDS a break. If you don't force yourself to take a break, you're useless because you're spent. Break out the snacks and the vids and BREEEEEAAATTTHHHHEEE!

Anonymous said...

OLG watches Sid the Science Kid on PBS Kids and eats Snap Pea Crisps from Trader Joe's. They both make him happy and give me a few minutes to collect my thoughts . . . or do dishes . . . or work, since I do that from home a couple days a week.

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